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1st Annual 5K Wagathon

South County Tail Waggers (SCTW) held its first 5K Wagathon to raise funds for a Free Spay and Neuter Clinic. Spaying and neutering is the best way to prevent the amount of abandoned and homeless dogs. It is estimated 1 million dogs are tragically euthanized in the US every year. SCTW is dedicated to making an impact on this crisis.

Thank you, to the hundreds of owners and dogs at this year’s fundraiser! We will hold this event every year to celebrate our Tail Waggers and to grow our ability to connect wonderful pets with their forever families! In the meantime, get involved and save a life! We have a number of easy ways to help the cause; from fostering and volunteering to donating funds or supplies we have plenty of room all kinds of love. Check it out!

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